
Pledge Allegiance to Play2Day!

Put Down the Remote and Take the Clorox2® Play 2Day Pledge to Support Healthy Kids

By Clorox2® October 19, 2011
The makers of Clorox2® Stain Fighter & Color Booster want to help incentivize parents to ‘pledge allegiance’ to play, with the Clorox2® Play 2Day pledge.  Besides being fun, outdoor play is a stress-buster, brain-booster and friendship-builder.  It even helps kids perform better at school and grow into healthier adults, so give your family a home team advantage by taking the Play 2Day pledge.  Parents can join the Play 2Day team by simply visiting and taking the pledge.  As part of the Play 2Day program, Clorox2® is partnering with Action for Healthy Kids®, a non-profit organization devoted to helping children learn about staying active and eating well.  For every person who pledges at least 10 hours of play Clorox 2® will donate $1 to Action for Healthy Kids up to $25,000.*

Need to update your playbook?  You’re not alone.  According to a recent survey by the makers of Clorox2® Stain Fighter & Color Booster the state of play for children, between the ages of four and 12-years-old across the U.S., could use a flag on the field.   

State of Play
Glued to the Tube
45% of parents say their children prefer not to play outside because they would rather be inside watching television or movies.

Facebook Friend-zy
One in three parents say their children would rather be inside on the computer or playing video games than playing outside.

The percentage of children who prefer texting or being on the phone to outdoor play more than doubles between the ages of 9 and 12 years old.
Visit for more information on Play 2Day and to watch a hilarious video on a really fun day of play. The video is called “Mom Will Never Know.” 

*One pledge per person with a maximum donation of $1 no matter how many hours pledged beyond 10. Clorox 2® will donate $1 for every person who pledges at least 10 hours up to $25,000 between October 1 and December 31, 2011.