
Our Family Moves

The Family that Plays Together Stays Together!

October 19, 2011

Macaroni Kid encourages quality family time and wellness in all that we do.  We know that families working towards a goal can do anything (sky’s the limit!) when using teamwork and each other’s support.  We know bettering your family is your goal and we aim to give you some tools to do so.
Consider this our fitness all call to you and your family!  So, join us and get movin’!  We’re going to challenge you and your family to move, skip, jump, walk, jog, hop, sprint, and have fun! 
 “Our Family Moves” is about making a commitment to move together.  Commit five minutes a day at first.  Commit to wellness.  Commit to family time.  Commit to supporting one another.  Commit to positive reinforcement.  Commit to sharing a healthy meal.  Commit to healthier snacks.  Commit to more playing outside.  Yes, we’re asking you to commit to play!  We believe it’s true…  “The family that plays together stays together!”
Here’s how it works:  Simply print the calendar HERE every month.  Fill in your team’s names.  Discuss the challenge at the next family meeting or during family dinner and talk strategy!  Divide up the task so that it’s doable, yet challenging and rewarding for all.  Make a plan for the day, the week, and the month.  Build a language your family can commit to.  Create a family motto; “in it to win it!” or “all together now!”  Set mini goals towards the challenge.  Break it up, keep track, and most importantly, support one another.  Hang the “Our Family Moves” calendar on the fridge, or somewhere everyone can see, and remember to do your part each day.  Pick some benefits of exercise below to hang up too.  Feel pride for your family and for yourself.  Plan rewards; a family hike, a special favorite family meal, a sports outing, or anything else the family can enjoy together to celebrate the completion of this month’s challenge!
Below is a list of the top 10 benefits of exercise.  Pick a few to be your motivation.  Read them and reread them.  Ready?  Set. Move!

1.  Makes strong muscles and body systems which makes a stronger body
2.  Improves mood and self-esteem
3.  Improves sleep
4.  Improves balance and coordination
5.  Reduces colds and illness
6.  Creates better habits as you grow into an adult
7.  Reduces levels of worry and sadness
8.  Maintains a healthy weight and body size
9. Increases confidence in everything you do
10. Great way to socialize with others & bond with family!