
Get Moving!

Five Fitness Tips for Families

By Alliance for a Healthier Generation October 19, 2011

Don’t let the cooler weather stop you from keeping your kids active! You don’t need fancy equipment or a health club to help your kids get their 60 minutes or more of daily physical activity. All you need are some regular household items and a little imagination. Combine a few of these tips, and they’ll quickly add up to a fun and healthy 60-minute routine you can do no matter what the weather outside is doing. Naturally, the best way to get your kids moving is to get up and go with them. So make daily activity part of the program, and you could enjoy the health benefits too!

1.    Can Do: Go to the kitchen and find two of the heaviest cans your child can hold. Have him stand with his feet flat on the floor, with the cans in his hands and arms at his side. Show him how to lift the cans up to his chest, bending his arms at the elbows. Have him hold for two seconds, and then slowly lower his arms. Repeat 10 times.
2.    Reach for the Sky: Grab a small textbook and hold it by the spine. Make an “L” with your arm—with your upper arm at shoulder level and your forearm pointing toward the ceiling. Now extend your arm straight over your shoulder, pushing the book toward the sky. Return to the bent-arm position. Repeat 10 times, and then switch arms. Have your kids follow along with their own books (and arms).
3.    Get On Down: Start with two bottles of laundry detergent (or any large bottle with a handle). Have your child stand with her feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Place the bottles on each side of her feet. Watch as she bends her knees, grabs the bottles, and stands up. Repeat 10 times.
4.    Just Dance: There’s no better way to get active than to dance! It doesn’t have to be perfect—sometimes it’s more fun to be silly! Just turn up the music and move to the beat. Teach your kids to dance while they talk on the phone, watch TV, brush their teeth or clean their rooms.
5.    Get the House in Shape: Give your kids a few chores that will help pull the house together. Not only will they score points with you, but having your kids clean their rooms, vacuum, or do the dishes gets their hearts pumping.

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a national non-profit founded by the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation to end childhood obesity, offers more tips and tools to help your family stay active at