The Davis Family, Greg, Amy, Paige, and Hailey, of Connecticut, is the perfect example of a family continually pushing the limits, embracing new challenges, and recruiting others to commit to fit! They are ATHLETES, in every sense of the word. The Davis’ work out together, doing everything under the sun, and doing it well!) From CrossFit to National-level soccer, Russian kettle bells to medicine balls, goal-setting to personal bests, the Davis' excel in fitness. Most importantly, they do it together, making healthy cooking and working out together favorite and regular family events. They use their strengths to help and inspire others. As Greg Davis says, “nothing is more satisfying than seeing the change that can be made in this world when it comes to helping people enjoy a healthy lifestyle, live longer and enjoy the freedoms that come with good fitness.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
Our other runner-up family, currently packing their bags for a move from Maine to Missouri, where they have already scouted out local triathlons, the Scholers made a difference in their community by pushing and teaching healthy living. Colleen, valued Macaroni Kid Publisher mom of three, looks back to the 80’s, when she’d spend quality time with her mom and sister doing Jane Fonda’s workout videos! Colleen explains that her and her husband, Aaron aim to instill in their family “a love of fitness that is incorporated into everyday life. A life where fitness and play merge.” The Scholer’s three adorable kids portray exactly that; a natural drive for exercise, play, exploration, and incorporating it all into family fun. As Colleen says:
"Why shouldn't getting exercise be fun?” AMEN!

In addition to the AMAZING families we got to know and love through this contest, we'd like to give a huge thank you to our awesome Fittest Family sponsors and swag bag donators, each of whom share a deep commitment to health and fitness, and are SO fun to work with!
The Four Seasons Scottsdale encompasses the best combination of family activities and luxury. As the Hawkins will learn, this resort IS the place to go for exercise, activities, pampering, leisure, and rejuvenation.
ZICO Coconut Water is Macaroni Kid’s go-to hydrator for fuel, replenishment, and healthy bliss! Stonyfield Farm Organic Yogurt uses the earth’s best ingredients to make delicious yogurts and snacks for everyone in the family! Happy Family makes babyfood SUPERfood and is a favorite of both moms and kids alike! We love Mann Packing’s ready to-go veggie packs and stir fry kits! Of course, Macaroni Kid can't ever get enough Popchips! An additional thanks to Honey Stinger, ZEVIA, ZAK Designs, Nature Valley, TruRoots, Bella Sun Luci, EMG Live Fitness, Jayone Foods, and EcoMe for providing our contestants with SUPER SWAG!
THANKS EVERYONE! Stay fit, healthy, and inspirational!
Kiley and the MK team!