
The Cutest Little Holiday Nummies

Pinterest Leads to All Good Things

By Kiley Sabatino, Kellie Strickland, and a little thing called Pinterest December 14, 2012
If you're on Pinterest, you know how amazingly amazing it is, but lately, I've been especially Pin-obsessed more than ever.  If you're not on Pinterest, you're seriously missing out (granted you may have a lot more time on your hands than the rest of us.)  Not only have I become verse in making what I call "pin-dinners," but I also recently stumbled upon this adorable website with fabulously fun meal and snack ideas for kids, Little Nummies (home of our featured Snap Pea Tree above.)  Since Little Nummies (founded by Kellie Strickland) creations are ALL too cute for words, I stuck to reindeer, reindeer, reindeer.  See below for some of my favorite Little (holiday) Nummies, (written and photographed by Kellie Strickland.)

1.  Apple Reindeer Snack:

Grandma may not be too keen on them, but I wouldn’t mind being run over by these cute and healthy reindeer. They may not be able to fly, but as a delicious sweet-and-salty snack, they’re pretty fantastic! If your kids are like mine, they’ll love making this holiday recipe as an after-school snack — just have everything ready when they come home, and let them do all the work! (Try to name all of Santa’s reindeer while you’re making them.)

What You’ll Need:
1 apple
10 pretzel rings
5 raisins (1 dried cranberry or red M&M if you want to make Rudolph)
10 mini chocolate chips

To Make Reindeer Apple Snack:
Core apple and slice into thin large circles. Use a vitamin bottle to cut small circles out of the apples.  Place 2 mini chocolate chips on each circle for the reindeer eyes. Add a raisin underneath the mini chocolate chips for the nose. Place a pretzel ring on the apple to finish the reindeer face. Arrange reindeer faces on a plate. (Make sure to leave room for the antlers!) Gently break pretzel rings in half and put in place for the antlers.)

2.  Reindeer Pancakes:

To make reindeer pancakes, whip up your favorite pancake recipe.  Use one pancake as face (I chose one that was a little, ahem, overdone. It looked brown like a reindeer!) Cut antlers out of another pancake. You can either freehand-cut them, or use a cookie cutter. I used an oak leaf-shaped cookie cutter. You could use a flower cutter, and cut it in half, etc. Just use your imagination.

Cut a mini marshmallow in half for whites of eyes, and lay on pancake sticky side up. You can affix the marshmallows to the pancake with a dab of syrup if you want. Put brown mini M&Ms on marshmallows for pupils. Dab syrup on bottom of pancake and place red M&M for nose. Easy!

You could also substitute raisins and a craisin for the pupils and nose.

3.  GUNTHER The Sandwhich Reindeer:

To make GUNTHER, make any sandwich you would like.  Use a heart shaped cookie cutter to cut out the head.  Cut a mini marshmallow in half.  Press mini choc chips on the sticky side for eyes.  A red M&M for the nose.  Use scraps of the sandwich for ears.  Cut pieces of crust for the antlers.

Now it’s time to frolic and play!!!

Don't forget to check out Little Nummies for more great ideas all year-round and be sure to follow Macaroni Kid Family Fitness on Pinterest!