
Eat Well: Helpful Health Links

By Jenny Steadman March 14, 2014
I have a handful of resources that I use to help keep our family healthy. Maybe these will help you, too! Do you have a favorite resource? Leave a comment below to share!


True Food Shoppers Guide - The Center for Food Safety has a great app called the True Food Shoppers Guide that helps you look for genetically engineered ingredients in your food.

Seafood Watch - The Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch app is an up-to-date list of environmentally-friendly seafood. Whenever there is a good sale on fish I always look it up on this app first to see if it is worth buying for my family, and the environment.

EWG Skin Deep - The Environmental Working Group has created a rating system for personal care products. Rating everything from sunscreens to lotions to make-up, you can look and see what kind of chemicals are in the products you use on your skin.


100 Days of Real Food 
- Whether you are just starting your journey of feeding your family real food or are already an avid real foodist, 100 Days of Real Food is fabulous for advice, tips and recipes.

Food Babe - Vani Hari, the self-proclaimed Food Babe, has made it her life to investigate Big Food and make the public informed about what is in the food we are eating. 

Weelicious - Looking for kid and family-friend recipes for all of your favorite dishes? Look no further! There are also great suggestions for snacks and getting creative!

MOMables - Packing lunches gets so boring... and so do the lunches! While MOMables offers a meal plan subscription service for lunches, you don't need to subscribe to make use of her fabulous lunch ideas, recipes and preparation tips that can help make each week go smoothly.