
Strategies For Managing Sleep and Embracing Meditation

One of the best ways to manage stress is to sleep and breathe

By Jenny Steadman April 3, 2020

One of the best ways to manage stress is to sleep and breathe. It's amazing how both of these things seem to take a back seat when we need them the most. Here is a round-up of articles from Family Wellness on how to focus on both: 

5 Things To Do Tonight for a Solid Night of Sleep for the Whole Family

Americans are sleeping less than ever before and it's having a significant impact on our physical and mental health. A new study found that the bodies of healthy men getting five hours or less of sleep a night for four nights a week shifted the way they metabolized fat. Mentally, lack of sleep is also linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression. Find five steps you can take tonight for a solid night of sleep.

5 Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep on Schedule

Even with the best intentions, many parents let their kids’ sleep habits slide when off of school. Now, with your new schedules, many of you are probably struggling to get your kids back on a healthy sleep routine.

Sleep Deeper: How to Get More Sleep + Meditation App

Tips to start today to get better sleep and my preferred meditation app. 

Sleep Deeper: Tips for Better Sleep

Our kids need naps and early bedtimes. Sleep gives their little bodies an opportunity to grow. It helps their brains make connections. It fights off infections and puts them in a good mood! The kids aren't the only ones who need a schedule. We do, too!

Sleep Deeper: The Importance of the Power Nap

"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap." - Carrie P. Snow

Think Clearly: The Power of Meditation 

My dear readers, I have seen the other side. Want me to tell you what it looks like? Read on!